A downloadable game

i want to add sprites into games with UTMT (Undertale Mod Tool), but i don't know how to, i only know how to change music. it would be cool if someone knows how to change sprites so they can tell me how to


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sorry for a long comment :v just hard to explain because im not too good at english ñ (also when Importing a sprite you can save it with padding or not)


idk. ok i know first you DONT NEED UMT if not UTM Community edition: https://gamebanana.com/tools/14193 (thats first step lol)

if you are adding new sprites DO NOT add padding but if your replacing them too (but if you are replacing a sprite and already has padding just use this script: ImportGraphics.csx) but if it doesnt have padding or it is a new sprite use: ImportGraphicsWithParametersPlus.csx

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with ImportGraphics.csx its simple just keep presing ok or yes idk… but with parametters you will have to choose some options just have the same in the red CIRCLES and the other thing can change depending on the sprite also the possition one you must put if it isnt a new sprite use the original sprite location like for most of the sprites off pepino it is center bottom (IM NOT SURE WITH THIS PART)

same problem